Table of Contents
QccPack - Quantization, compression, and coding libraries and utility
QccPack provides a collection of library routines
and utility programs for quantization, compression, and coding of data.
QccPack has been written to provide very flexible and general implementations
of procedures commonly used in coding and compression applications.
essential component of the QccPack collection is a library of procedures
implementing a large variety of compression and coding algorithms. Application
programs may make use of the QccPack library routines by linking the
application against the library during compilation. Each library function
is very general in its implementation so to be useful in a large variety
of applications.
Additionally, much of the functionality of the library
routines has been provided in the form of stand-alone executable programs.
The prime importance these utility programs is probably that they provide
examples of how to interface with many of the QccPack library routines.
The utility programs could also be called from scripts to simulate the
operation of complex coding and compression systems before implementing
all the system functionality into one stand-alone program.
QccPack is
intended for use in the development of prototypes of coding and compression
systems, and in academic research. Its main reason for existence is to
obviate the incessant re-implementation of common algorithms for the sake
of application-specific details. For example, we don't want to re-implement
arithmetic coding every time we change the symbol-alphabet size or the
number of contexts in the arithmetic-coder adaptive model. By using QccPack,
we use the same implementation of arithmetic coding regardless of our
application. The drawback of this library-based approach to development
is the fact that the generality required of the library routines leads
to a frequent use of dynamic memory allocation which, in turn, implies
that the routines execute slower than would a similar implementation
that hard-coded application-specific details. For this reason, QccPack
is intended for prototyping and proof-of-concept needs rather than for
direct use in applications requiring high-speed operation.
QccPack optionally supports use in multithreaded applications.
Currently, QccPack does not make use of threads internally; however, if
multithread support is enabled when compiling the library, an application
program can invoke QccPack functions within multiple threads simultaneously.
In order to use QccPack in a multithreaded application, QccPack must have
been compiled with thread support enabled and linked against the pthreads
library (see the QccPack README file and pthread_create(3)
.) This action
renders the QccPack library MT-safe, although see QccMathRand(3)
for one
The QccPack library routines
and utility programs are partitioned into several modules based on their
functionalities. The standard modules, which are available for all installations
of QccPack are as follows:
- General
- See below
- Entropy Coding
- See QccPackENT(3)
- Scalar Quantization
- See QccPackSQ(3)
- Vector Quantization
- See QccPackVQ(3)
- Adaptive Vector Quantization
- See QccPackAVQ(3)
- Image Processing and
- See QccPackIMG(3)
- Wavelets
- See QccPackWAV(3)
- Video Coding
- See QccPackVID(3)
- Hyspectral Imagery
- See QccPackHYP(3)
This module provides general-purpose tools for quantization, compression,
and coding of data.
- QccFilter(3)
- generic
data structure QccFilter for FIR filtering of signals
- QccBitBuffer(3)
- generic data structure QccBitBuffer for bitstream packing/unpacking
- QccFifo(3)
- data structure for bitstream fifo
- QccDataset(3)
- generic vector data
structure QccDataset and corresponding DAT file format.
- QccChannel(3)
- generic QccChannel structure for channel of channel symbols and corresponding
CHN file format.
- QccInit(3)
- QccPack
library initialization
- QccExit(3)
- normal, non-error program exit
- QccFree(3)
- free memory
- QccGetProgramName(3)
- gets the current program name
- QccParseParameters(3)
- parsing of command-line parameters
- QccStringMakeNull(3)
- makes a null string
- QccStringNull(3)
- check for a null string
- QccConvertToQccString(3)
- convert from a character array to QccString
- QccStringCopy(3)
- copies
a QccString
- QccStringSprintf(3)
- formated print to a QccString
- QccSetEnv(3)
- set an environment variable
- QccGetEnv(3)
- retrieve
the value of an environment variable
- QccSetUserHeader(3)
- set a user-defined headr message
- QccGetQccPackVersion(3)
- retrieve the
version and date of the QccPack library
- QccCompareQccPackVersions(3)
- compare two sets of QccPack versions
- QccPrintQccPackVersion(3)
- print
the version and date of the QccPack library
- QccTimeTic(3)
- start
- QccTimeToc(3)
- determine elapsed time
- QccErrorAddMessage(3)
- add a message to the error-message list
- QccErrorPrintMessages(3)
- print
all error messages to stderr
- QccErrorClearMessages(3)
- clear all messages
from message queue
- QccErrorExit(3)
- print all error messages to stderr
and cause program exit with error
- QccErrorWarning(3)
- print warning message
immediately to stderr
- QccBinaryCharToInt(3)
- convert QccPack's
MSB-first value to int
- QccBinaryIntToChar(3)
- convert int to QccPack's MSB-first
- QccBinaryCharToFloat(3)
- convert QccPack's MSB-first value to float
- QccBinaryFloatToChar(3)
- convert float to QccPack's MSB-first value
- QccFileExists(3)
- check for file existence
- QccFileGetExtension(3)
- get filename extension
- QccFileOpen(3)
- open file
- QccFileDescriptorOpen(3)
- open file pointer from file descriptor
- QccFileClose(3)
- close file
- QccFileRemove(3)
- remove file
- QccFileGetSize(3)
- get size of file
- QccFileGetModTime(3)
- get last modification time of file
- QccFileGetRealPath(3)
- get real path
of file
- QccFileGetCurrentPosition(3)
- get current position in file stream
- QccFileRewind(3)
- rewind file to its beginning
- QccFileReadChar(3)
- read
- QccFileWriteChar(3)
- write char
- QccFileReadInt(3)
- read int
- QccFileWriteInt(3)
- write int
- QccFileReadDouble(3)
- read double
- QccFileWriteDouble(3)
- write
- QccFileReadString(3)
- read string
- QccFileWriteString(3)
- write
- QccFileReadLine(3)
- read an entire line
- QccFileSkipWhiteSpace(3)
- skip over white space and comment lines
- QccFileReadMagicNumber(3)
- read
magic number and version information from file header
- QccFileWriteMagicNumber(3)
- write magic number and version information to file header
- QccFileWriteMagicNumberVersion(3)
- write magic number and version information to file header with explicitly
specified version
- QccFileGetMagicNumber(3)
- retrieve magic number from
designated file
- QccFilePrintFileInfo(3)
- print magic number and version
information to stdout
- QccFilePathSearch(3)
- searches
for a specified filename in a specified path
- QccFilePathSearchOpenRead(3)
- searches for and opens for reading a specified filename in a specified
- QccMathMax(3)
- maximum of two numbers
- QccMathMin(3)
- minimum of two numbers
- QccMathPercent(3)
- percentage of
two numbers
- QccMathModulus(3)
- signed remainder after division of two
- QccMathLog2(3)
- logarithm base 2
- QccMathMedian(3)
- median of three
- QccMathRand(3)
- uniformly distributed random value
- QccMathGaussianDensity(3)
- Gaussian-density function
- QccMathLaplacianDensity(3)
- Laplacian-density
- QccAlphaOpaque(3)
- evaluate opacity
- QccAlphaTransparent(3)
- evaluate transparency
- QccAlphaTranslucent(3)
- evaluate translucency
- QccVectorAlloc(3)
- allocate vector
- QccVectorFree(3)
- free vector
- QccVectorZero(3)
- zero vector
- QccVectorResize(3)
- resize
- QccVectorMean(3)
- calculate vector mean
- QccVectorVariance(3)
- calculate
vector variance
- QccVectorAdd(3)
- add two vectors
- QccVectorSubtract(3)
- subtract one vector from another
- QccVectorScalarMult(3)
- multiply vector
by scalar
- QccVectorCopy(3)
- vector copy
- QccVectorNorm(3)
- calculate vector
- QccVectorNormalize(3)
- normalize vector to unit length
- QccVectorDotProduct(3)
- calculate dot product of two vectors
- QccVectorAngle(3)
- calculate angle
between two vectors
- QccVectorSquareDistance(3)
- calculate squared Euclidean
distance between two vectors
- QccVectorSumComponents(3)
- sum vector components
- QccVectorMaxValue(3)
- find maximum component of a vector
- QccVectorMinValue(3)
- find minimum component of a vector
- QccVectorPrint(3)
- print vector to
- QccVectorSortComponents(3)
- quicksort of vector components
- QccVectorGetSymbolProbs(3)
- calculate probabilities of a list of symbols
- QccVectorMoveComponentToFront(3)
- move specified component to front of vector
- QccVectorSubsample(3)
- downsample
a vector by a factor of 2
- QccVectorUpsample(3)
- upsample a vector by a
factor of 2
- QccVectorDCT(3)
- one-dimensional discrete cosine transform
(DCT) of a signal vector
- QccVectorInverseDCT(3)
- one-dimensional inverse
discrete cosine transform (IDCT) of a signal vector
- QccVectorIntAlloc(3)
- allocate integer vector
- QccVectorIntFree(3)
- free
integer vector
- QccVectorIntZero(3)
- zero integer vector
- QccVectorIntResize(3)
- resize integer vector
- QccVectorIntMean(3)
- calculate integer-vector mean
- QccVectorIntVariance(3)
- calculate integer-vector variance
- QccVectorIntAdd(3)
- add two integer vectors
- QccVectorIntSubtract(3)
- subtract one integer
vector from another
- QccVectorIntScalarMult(3)
- multiply integer vector
by scalar
- QccVectorIntCopy(3)
- integer-vector copy
- QccVectorIntNorm(3)
- calculate integer-vector norm
- QccVectorIntDotProduct(3)
- calculate dot
product of two integer vectors
- QccVectorIntSquareDistance(3)
- calculate
squared Euclidean distance between two integer vectors
- QccVectorIntSumComponents(3)
- sum integer-vector components
- QccVectorIntMaxValue(3)
- find maximum component
of a integer vector
- QccVectorIntMinValue(3)
- find minimum component of
a integer vector
- QccVectorIntPrint(3)
- print integer vector to stdout
- QccVectorIntSortComponents(3)
- quicksort of integer-vector components
- QccVectorIntMoveComponentToFront(3)
- move specified component to front of integer vector
- QccVectorIntSubsample(3)
- downsample a integer vector by a factor of 2
- QccVectorIntUpsample(3)
- upsample a integer vector by a factor of 2
- QccMatrixAlloc(3)
- allocate matrix
- QccMatrixFree(3)
- free matrix
- QccMatrixZero(3)
- zero
- QccMatrixResize(3)
- resize matrix
- QccMatrixCopy(3)
- copy matrix
- QccMatrixMaxValue(3)
- find largest element in matrix
- QccMatrixMinValue(3)
- find smallest element in matrix
- QccMatrixPrint(3)
- print matrix to stdout
- QccMatrixRowExchange(3)
- exchange matrix rows
- QccMatrixColExchange(3)
- exchange matrix columns
- QccMatrixIdentity(3)
- set to identity matrix
- QccMatrixTranspose(3)
- transpose matrix
- QccMatrixAdd(3)
- adds two matrices
- QccMatrixSubtract(3)
- subtracts one matrix from another
- QccMatrixMean(3)
- calculate mean of matrix elements
- QccMatrixVariance(3)
- calculate variance
of matrix elements
- QccMatrixMaxSignalPower(3)
- find the largest squared
row-vector norm in matrix
- QccMatrixVectorMultiply(3)
- multiply matrix on
the right by a column vector
- QccMatrixMultiply(3)
- multiply two matrices
- QccMatrixDCT(3)
- two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (DCT) of a matrix
- QccMatrixInverseDCT(3)
- two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform
(IDCT) of a matrix
- QccMatrixAddNoiseToRegion(3)
- corrupt region of matrix
with random noise
- QccMatrixInverse(3)
- matrix inverse
- QccMatrixSVD(3)
- singular value decomposition
- QccMatrixOrthogonalize(3)
- generate orthonormal
basis for range of matrix
- QccMatrixNullspace(3)
- generate orthonormal
basis for nullspace of matrix
- QccMatrixIntAlloc(3)
- allocate integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntFree(3)
- free integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntZero(3)
- zero integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntCopy(3)
- copy integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntResize(3)
- resize integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntMaxValue(3)
- find largest element in
integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntMinValue(3)
- find smallest element in integer
- QccMatrixIntPrint(3)
- print integer matrix to stdout
- QccMatrixIntTranspose(3)
- transpose integer matrix
- QccMatrixIntAdd(3)
- adds two matrices
- QccMatrixIntSubtract(3)
- subtracts one integer matrix from another
- QccMatrixIntMean(3)
- calculate
mean of integer-matrix elements
- QccMatrixIntVariance(3)
- calculate variance
of integer-matrix elements
- QccMatrixIntVectorMultiply(3)
- multiply integer
matrix on the right by a column vector
- QccMatrixIntMultiply(3)
- multiply
two integer matrices
- QccVolumeAlloc(3)
- allocate volume
- QccVolumeFree(3)
- free volume
- QccVolumeZero(3)
- zero volume
- QccVolumeResize(3)
- resize volume
- QccVolumeCopy(3)
- copy volume
- QccVolumeMaxValue(3)
- find
largest element in volume
- QccVolumeMinValue(3)
- find smallest element
in volume
- QccVolumePrint(3)
- print volume to stdout
- QccVolumeAdd(3)
- adds
two volumes
- QccVolumeSubtract(3)
- subtracts one volume from another
- QccVolumeMean(3)
- calculate mean of volume elements
- QccVolumeVariance(3)
- calculate variance
of volume elements
- QccVolumeIntAlloc(3)
- allocate
integer volume
- QccVolumeIntFree(3)
- free integer volume
- QccVolumeIntZero(3)
- zero integer volume
- QccVolumeIntResize(3)
- resize integer volume
- QccVolumeIntCopy(3)
- copy integer volume
- QccVolumeIntMaxValue(3)
- find largest element in
integer volume
- QccVolumeIntMinValue(3)
- find smallest element in integer
- QccVolumeIntPrint(3)
- print integer volume to stdout
- QccVolumeIntAdd(3)
- adds two volumes
- QccVolumeIntSubtract(3)
- subtracts one integer volume
from another
- QccVolumeIntMean(3)
- calculate mean of integer-volume elements
- QccVolumeIntMean(3)
- calculate variance of integer-volume elements
- QccFastDCTInitialize(3)
- initialize fast
- QccFastDCTCreate(3)
- create fast DCT of a certain length
- QccFastDCTFree(3)
- free fast DCT
- QccFastDCTForwardTransform1D(3)
- forward 1D fast DCT
- QccFastDCTInverseTransform1D(3)
- inverse 1D fast DCT
- QccFastDCTForwardTransform2D(3)
- forward 2D fast
- QccFastDCTInverseTransform2D(3)
- inverse 2D fast DCT
- QccPointPrint(3)
- print 2D point
- QccPointCopy(3)
- copy 2D point
- QccPointAffineTransform(3)
- affine-transform 2D point
- QccTrianglePrint(3)
- print 2D triangle
- QccTriangleBoundingBox(3)
- find bounding box of 2D triangle
- QccTrianglePointInside(3)
- determine
if point is inside 2D triangle
- QccTriangleCreateAffineTransform(3)
- create
affine transform between two triangles
- QccRegularMeshInitialize(3)
- initialize
2D regular mesh
- QccRegularMeshAlloc(3)
- allocate 2D regular mesh
- QccRegularMeshFree(3)
- free 2D regular mesh
- QccRegularMeshGenerate(3)
- generate uniformly spaced
2D regular mesh
- QccRegularMeshNumTriangles(3)
- calculate number of triangles
in 2Dregular mesh
- QccRegularMeshToTriangles(3)
- extract triangles from
2D regular mesh
- QccFilterInitialize(3)
- initialize filter
- QccFilterAlloc(3)
- allocate filter
- QccFilterFree(3)
- free filter
- QccFilterCopy(3)
- copy filter
- QccFilterReversal(3)
- time-reversal of filter
- QccFilterAlternateSignFlip(3)
- alternate sign change of filter
- QccFilterRead(3)
- read filter from file
- QccFilterWrite(3)
- write filter to file
- QccFilterPrint(3)
- print filter
- QccFilterVector(3)
- perform FIR filtering of a one-dimensional signal
- QccFilterMultiRateFilterVector(3)
- perform FIR filtering of a one-dimensional signal in conjuction with sampling
rate change of the signal
- QccFilterMatrixSeparable(3)
- perform separable
FIR filtering of a two-dimensional signal
- QccListInitialize(3)
- initialize list
- QccListFreeNode(3)
- free list node
- QccListFree(3)
- free
all nodes of list
- QccListCreateNode(3)
- create new list node
- QccListCopyNode(3)
- copy list node
- QccListCompareNodes(3)
- compare two list nodes
- QccListFindNode(3)
- find a list node within a list
- QccListLength(3)
- calculate length of
a list
- QccListAppendNode(3)
- append list node to end of list
- QccListInsertNode(3)
- insert list node into list
- QccListSortedInsertNode(3)
- insert list node
into list maintaining sorted order
- QccListRemoveNode(3)
- remove list node
from list
- QccListDeleteNode(3)
- remove list node from list and free node
- QccListMoveNode(3)
- move list node to another list
- QccListSort(3)
- sort
a list
- QccListConcatenate(3)
- concatenate two lists
- QccListPrint(3)
- print
- QccBitBufferInitialize(3)
- initialize bit
- QccBitBufferStart(3)
- start read or write to bit buffer
- QccBitBufferEnd(3)
- end read or write to bit buffer
- QccBitBufferFlush(3)
- flush bit buffer
to file at end of write
- QccBitBufferCopy(3)
- copies bits from one bit
buffer to another
- QccBitBufferPutBit(3)
- output bit to buffer
- QccBitBufferGetBit(3)
- input bit from buffer
- QccBitBufferPutBits(3)
- output bits to buffer
- QccBitBufferGetBits(3)
- input bits from buffer
- QccBitBufferPutChar(3)
- output char to buffer
- QccBitBufferGetChar(3)
- input char from buffer
- QccBitBufferPutInt(3)
- output int to buffer
- QccBitBufferGetInt(3)
- input int from buffer
- QccBitBufferPutDouble(3)
- output double to buffer
- QccBitBufferGetDouble(3)
- input double from buffer
- QccFifoInitialize(3)
- initialize fifo
- QccFifoStart(3)
- start fifo
- QccFifoEnd(3)
- end fifo
- QccFifoFlush(3)
- flush fifo
- QccFifoRestart(3)
- restart fifo
- QccDatasetInitialize(3)
- initialize
- QccDatasetAlloc(3)
- allocate dataset
- QccDatasetFree(3)
- free dataset
- QccDatasetGetBlockSize(3)
- get block size of dataset
- QccDatasetPrint(3)
- print dataset
- QccDatasetCopy(3)
- copy dataset
- QccDatasetReadWholefile(3)
- read entire dataset
- QccDatasetReadHeader(3)
- read header of dataset
- QccDatasetStartRead(3)
- start read of dataset
- QccDatasetEndRead(3)
- end read of dataset
- QccDatasetReadBlock(3)
- read a block of data from dataset
- QccDatasetReadSlidingBlock(3)
- read
a sliding block of data from dataset
- QccDatasetWriteWholefile(3)
- write
entire dataset
- QccDatasetWriteHeader(3)
- write header of dataset
- QccDatasetStartWrite(3)
- start write of dataset
- QccDatasetEndWrite(3)
- end write of dataset
- QccDatasetWriteBlock(3)
- write a block of data to dataset
- QccDatasetSetMaxMinValues(3)
- set maximum
and minimum vector component values for dataset
- QccDatasetMSE(3)
- calculate
mean squared error (MSE) between two datasets
- QccDatasetMeanVector(3)
- calculate mean of dataset
- QccDatasetCovarianceMatrix(3)
- calculate covariance
matrix of dataset
- QccDatasetCalcVectorPowers(3)
- calculate the power (squared
norm) of the vectors of a dataset
- QccChannelInitialize(3)
- initialize channel
- QccChannelAlloc(3)
- allcoated channel
- QccChannelFree(3)
- free channel
- QccChannelGetBlockSize(3)
- get block size of channel
- QccChannelPrint(3)
- print channel
- QccChannelReadWholefile(3)
- read entire channel
- QccChannelReadHeader(3)
- read header of channel
- QccChannelStartRead(3)
- start read of channel
- QccChannelEndRead(3)
- end read of channel
- QccChannelReadBlock(3)
- read
a block of symbols from channel
- QccChannelWriteWholefile(3)
- write entire
- QccChannelWriteHeader(3)
- write header of channel
- QccChannelStartWrite(3)
- start write of channel
- QccChannelEndWrite(3)
- end write of channel
- QccChannelWriteBlock(3)
- write a block of symbols to channel
- QccChannelNormalize(3)
- normalize
- QccChannelDenormalize(3)
- denormalize channel
- QccChannelGetNumNullSymbols(3)
- count the null symbols in channel
- QccChannelRemoveNullSymbols(3)
- remove
null symbols from channel
- QccChannelEntropy(3)
- calculate entropy of symbols
of channel
- QccChannelAddSymbolToChannel(3)
- add a symbol to channel
- arithmetic_sequence(1)
- output arithmetic sequence of numbers
- asciitodat(1)
- convert file from ASCII to DAT format
- dattoascii(1)
- convert
file from DAT format to ASCII
- chnentropy(1)
- calculate entropy of channel
- datcat(1)
- concatenate DAT-format files
- datcut(1)
- cut a section from a
DAT-format file
- datdist(1)
- calculate the distortion between two DAT files
- geometric_sequence(1)
- output geometric sequence of numbers
- printfile(1)
- print file
- spawn(1)
- runs a shell script or program in the background
, QccPackSQ(3)
, QccPackVQ(3)
, QccPackAVQ(3)
, QccPackIMG(3)
, QccPackVID(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021
James E. Fowler
Table of Contents