void QccStringMakeNull(QccString
int QccStringNull(const QccString qccstring);
void QccConvertToQccString(QccString
qccstring, const char *str);
void QccStringCopy(QccString qccstring1,
const QccString qccstring2);
void QccStringSprintf(QccString qccstring,
const char *format, ...);
typedef char QccString[QCCSTRINGLEN + 1];
QccStringMakeNull() sets qccstring to zero length.
QccStringNull() returns 1 if qccstring is a NULL pointer or has zero length and 0 otherwise.
QccConvertToQccString() converts a character array into type QccString which entails copying characters from str to qccstring up to QCCSTRINGLEN characters and ensuring that qccstring is NULL-terminated.
QccStringCopy() copies qccstring2 to qccstring1.
QccStringSprintf() is a wrapper around sprintf(3) . If snprintf(3) exists, it is called to ensure that the string written to qccstring does not exceed the length of qccstring. Otherwise, sprintf(3) is called to write the string to qccstring and a buffer overflow may occur if the string is too long.