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QccHYPImageCubeToColor - make a color-image representation of image
#include "libQccPack.h"
int QccHYPImageCubeToColor(const
QccIMGImageCube *image_cube, QccIMGImage *image, int red_band, int green_band,
int blue_band);
QccHYPImageCubeToColor() creates a color-image
representation of image_cube by extracting three bands as the red, green,
and blue components of the color image. The values of red_band, green_band,
and blue_band indicate which bands from image_cube to extract. The image
is output to image which must be allocated prior to calling QccHYPImageCubeToColor()
to the same number of rows and columns as image_cube; image must be a
color image (i.e., have three components).
This routine returns
0 on success, 1 on error.
, QccIMGImage(3)
, QccPackIMG(3)
, QccPack(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021
James E. Fowler
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