int QccHYPRawDist2D(QccString
filename1, QccString filename2, double *mse, double *mae, double *snr,
int num_rows, int num_cols, int bpp, int signed_data, int endian);
QccHYPRawDist3D(QccString filename1, QccString filename2, double *mse,
double *mae, double *snr, int num_frames, int num_rows, int num_cols,
int bpv, int signed_data, int format, int endian);
In all of these routines, the parameters bpp (2D files) or bpv (3D files) specify the number of bits that each pixel or voxel value contains, respectively; these values must be between 1 and 32. If bpp or bpv is <= 8, then each sample is stored as the least significant bits in a single byte; otherwise, if bpp or bpv is <= 16, then each sample is stored as the least significant bits of two consecutive bytes; otherwise, if bpp or bpv is <= 32, then each sample is stored as the least significant bits of four consecutive bytes. signed_data indicates whether the sample values are signed or not; likewise, endian, which is one of QCCHYP_RAWENDIAN_BIG or QCCHYP_RAWENDIAN_LITTLE, indicates the endianness of the values. For 3D reading and writing, format must be one of QCCHYP_RAWFORMAT_BSQ, QCCHYP_RAWFORMAT_BIL, or QCCHYP_RAWFORMAT_BIP to indicate the scan order of the 3D file.