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QccWAVSubbandPyramidRedundantDWTSubsample - subsample a redundant
discrete wavelet transform into a subband-pyramid structure
int QccWAVSubbandPyramidRedundantDWTSubsample(const QccMatrix
*input_matrices, QccWAVSubbandPyramid *subband_pyramid, const QccWAVWavelet
QccWAVSubbandPyramidRedundantDWTSubsample() calls
to subsample a 2D redundant discrete
wavelet transform (RDWT) whose coefficients are stored in input_matrices,
returning the resulting critically sampled DWT coefficients in subband_pyramid.
It is assumed that the num_rows, num_cols, and num_levels fields of subband_pyramid
have been set to correctly reflect the size and number of scales of decomposition
represented by input_matrices prior to calling QccWAVSubbandPyramidRedundantDWTSubsample().
Additionally, it is assumed that the subsample_pattern_row and subsample_pattern_col
fields of subband_pyramid have been set to reflect the desired subsampling
patterns. Finally, it is assumed that subband_pyramid has been allocated
via a call to QccWAVSubbandPyramidAlloc(3)
prior to calling QccWAVSubbandPyramidRedundantDWTSubsample().
This routine returns 0 on success and 1 on error.
, QccWAVSubbandPyramid(3)
, QccPackWAV(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler
Table of Contents