int QccWAVZerotreeRead(QccWAVZerotree
int QccWAVZerotreeWrite(const QccWAVZerotree *zerotree);
QccWAVZerotreeRead() reads the ZT-format file specifed by zerotree->filename into zerotree. If zerotree is not already allocated (as evidenced by zerotree->zerotree = NULL), a call is made to QccWAVZerotreeAlloc(3) to allocate space for the zerotree data before reading the file.
QccWAVZerotreeWrite() writes the zerotree structure in zerotree as the ZT-format file whose name is given as zerotree->filename.
J. M. Shapiro, "Embedded Image Coding Using Zerotrees of Wavelet Coefficients," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 3445-3462, December 1993.