datdist prints the mean square error (MSE) or peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between DAT-format files datfile1 and datfile2 to stdout.
The options -mse and -psnr indicate in which form the distortion should be expressed. If neither of these options are specified, datdist prints the distortion in both forms.
If the option -vo is specified, then datdist prints a terse output, consisting of only the value of the distortion, to stdout. One of the options -mse or -psnr must be specified in this case.
For the calculation of PSNR, datfile1 is considered the original signal; datdist thus uses max - min as the peak-to-peak range of datfile1, where max and min are specified in the header of datfile1 (see QccPack(1) ).