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icbklt - transform image cube with KLT


icbklt [-p num_pcs] kltfile icbfile1 icbfile2


Gives the number of PCs to retain after the transform is applied. Default is to retain all PCs.


icbklt performs the forward KLT transform klt on the hyperspectral image in icbfile1, spectrally decorrelating all the pixel vectors. The resulting transformed image cube is written to icbfile2.

If the -p option is not specified, all PCs produced by the transform are retained and written to icbfile2; that is, icbfile2 has the same size as icbfile1. On the other hand, specifying -p results in the retaining of only num_pcs spectral principal components (PCs). In this case, num_pcs must be less than or equal to the number of spectral bands of icbfile1, and icbfile2 will be the same size spatially as icbfile1 but will have only num_pcs PCS.


icbiklt(1) , QccHYPkltTransform(3) , QccHYPkltInverseTransform(3) , QccHYPklt(3) , QccPackHYP(3) , QccPack(3)


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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