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icptoimg - converts image component to image


icptoimg [-n] icpfiles... imgfile


Normalize output image


icptoimg converts image components icpfiles, in ICP format, to an image, imgfile.

icptoimg determines the type of the output image by calling QccIMGImageDetermineType(3) . If the output image is determined to be grayscale, then exactly one icpfile is expected to be specified to icptoimg. Otherwise, if the output image is determined to be a color image, then exactly three icpfiles are expected to be specified to icptoimg, and the three icpfiles give the Y, U, and V image components in that order.

If option -n is given, QccIMGImageComponentNormalize(3) is called on each component of the output image, which results in the expansion or contraction of the dynamic range of pixel values to the 0-255 range.

Note: converting from ICP format to PGM or PPM format implies converting floating-point values to integer-valued pixels.


imgtoicp(1) , QccIMGImageComponentNormalize(3) , QccPackIMG(3) , QccPack(3)


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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