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seqdist - calculate the distortion between two image sequences


seqdist [-vo] [-sf startframe] [-ef endframe] [-mse] [-snr] [-psnr] [-mae] [-w] seqfile1 seqfile2


Output only the value of the distortion (terse output).
Start frame for subsequence over which to calculate distortion. Default is first available frame.
End frame for subsequence over which to calculate distortion. Default is last available frame.
Express the distortion in terms of MSE.
Express the distortion in terms of SNR.
Express the distortion in terms of PSNR.
Express the distortion in terms of MAE.
Output the distortion over all frames of the sequence only.


seqdist prints the mean square error (MSE), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), or maximum absolute error (MAE) between image sequences seqfile1 and seqfile2 to stdout.

The options -mse, -snr, -psnr, and -mae indicate in which form the distortion should be expressed. If none of these options are specified, seqdist prints the distortion in all forms.

If the option -vo is specified, then seqdist prints a terse output, consisting of only the value of the distortion, to stdout. One of the options -mse, -snr, -psnr, or -mae must be specified in this case.

The options -sf and -ef specify the starting and ending frame numbers, respectively, over which to calculate the distortion. If either of these is not specified, seqdist determines the first and/or last frame automatically from the files that exist via QccIMGImageSequenceFindFrameNums(3) .

If the -w option is not given, the distortion over each individual frame is printed. Additionally, in the case of verbose output (-vo not given), the distortion over the entire sequence (or relevant subsequence, in the case that -sf or -ef are specified) is output. If -w is given, only this latter distortion is output.

If the image files are color, the distortion calculations are performed separately for the Y, U, and V components of the image. The distortions for each image component are output in order.

For the calculation of SNR and PSNR, seqfile1 is considered the original signal; seqdist thus finds the variance of seqfile1 for use in the SNR calculation. For the calculation of PSNR, seqdist assumes that the peak-to-peak range of seqfile1 is 255 levels.


imgdist(1) , QccIMGImageComponentMSE(3) , QccIMGImageComponentMAE(3) , QccIMGImageSequence(3) , QccPackIMG(3) , QccPack(3)


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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