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seqtoyuv - converts image sequence to YUV file


seqtoyuv [-sf startframe] [-ef endframe] seqfile yuvfile


Start frame for image sequence. Default is first available frame.
End frame for sequence. Default is last available frame.


seqtoyuv converts an image sequence, seqfile, to an image sequence stored in a headerless YUV-format file, yuvfile. All frames of seqfile must be grayscale files, and the chrominance information in yuvfile is set to 0.

The options -sf and -ef specify the starting and ending frame numbers, respectively, over which to calculate the distortion. If either of these is not specified, seqdist determines the first and/or last frame automatically from the files that exist via QccIMGImageSequenceFindFrameNums(3) .

yuvfile is a simple headerless, raw, planar 4:2:0 YUV file which consists of a sequence of raw luminance/chrominance images stored one after another in a single file.


yuvtoseq(1) , QccIMGImageSequence(3) , QccPackIMG(3) , QccPack(3)


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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