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memc - full-search, block-based motion estimation and compensation


memc [-fp] [-hp] [-qp] [-ep] [-f1 filter1] [-f2 filter2] [-f3 filter3] [-w window] [-b block_size] [-mc motion_compensated_frame] [-srf subpixel_reference_frame] [-r residual_frame] reference_frame current_frame mvfile


Full-pixel accuracy.
Half-pixel accuracy.
Quarter-pixel accuracy.
Eighth-pixel accuracy.
-f1 filter1
String. Filename of filter to use for going from full-pixel to half-pixel accuracy.
-f2 filter2
String. Filename of filter to use for going from half-pixel to quarter-pixel accuracy.
-f3 filter3
String. Filename of filter to use for going from quarter-pixel to eighth-pixel accuracy.
-w window
Integer. Window size for motion estimation. Default is 15 pixels.
-b block_size
Integer. Block size. Default is 16 pixels.
-mc motion_compensated_frame
String. Filename of file to which to write the motion-compensated frame.
-srf subpixel_reference_frame
String. Filename of file to which to write the reference frame after having been interpolated to the specified subpixel accuracy.
-r residual_frame
String. Filename of file to which to write the difference between the current frame and the motion-compensated frame, the residual image from the motion-compensation process.


memc reads two images, a current_frame and a reference_frame, performing full-search, block-based motion estimation to estimate motion from reference_frame to current_frame. That is, for each block in current_frame, every block in a window surrounding the current-block location in reference_frame is searched, and the best-matching block chosen. The size of the blocks to use for matching is given by block_size (default is 16); and the size of the window in which to perform the block-matching search is window (default is 15).

memc first interpolates reference_frame to the specified subpixel accuracy as determined by the -fp, -hp, -qp, or -ep options. In the case that none of these options are specified, memc defaults to using full-pixel accuracy. QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateReferenceFrame(3) is used to perform the subpixel-accuracy interpolation, with filter1, filter2, and filter3 provided to the latter routine if specified (filter1, filter2, and filter3 should be files whose format is described with QccFilterRead(3) ). Next, QccVIDMotionEstimationFullSearch(3) is called to carry out the full-search, block-based motion estimation. QccVIDMotionVectorsWriteFile(3) then writes the resulting motion vectors to mvfile.

If the -mc option is specified, QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateCompensatedFrame(3) is called to generate the motion-compensated frame using the motion vectors that resulted from the full-search, block-based motion search. This compensated frame is then written to motion_compensated_frame.

If the -srf option is specified, the interpolated, subpixel-accurate reference frame (as generated by QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateReferenceFrame(3) ) is written to reference_frame.

If the -r option is specified, the residual image between the current frame and the motion-compensated frame is written to residual_frame. This residual is not the true difference image, but rather the absolute value of the difference image, in order to avoid negative-valued pixels.


QccVIDMotionEstimationFullSearch(3) , QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateReferenceFrame(3) , QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateCompensatedFrame(3) , QccVIDMotionVectorsWriteFile(3) , QccFilterRead(3) , QccPackVID(3) , QccPackIMG(3) , QccPack(3)


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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