Table of Contents
QccPackVID - QccPack module for video
QccPackVID provides
a collection of library routines and utility programs for video coding
of image sequences.
- QccVIDMotionVectorsTable(3)
- data structure QccVIDMotionVectorsTable for the Huffman coding of motion
vectors as specified in the H.261 standard
- QccVIDMotionVectorsTableInitialize(3)
- initialize H.261 motion-vector
coding table
- QccVIDMotionVectorsTableCreate(3)
- create H.261 motion-vector
coding table
- QccVIDMotionVectorsTableFree(3)
- free H.261 motion-vector coding
- QccVIDMotionVectorsEncode(3)
- encode motion vectors using H.261 method
- QccVIDMotionVectorsDecode(3)
- decode motion vectors using H.261 method
- QccVIDMotionVectorsReadFile(3)
- read file of motion vectors
- QccVIDMotionVectorsWriteFile(3)
- write file of motion vectors
- QccVIDMotionEstimationMAE(3)
- mean absolute error between blocks
- QccVIDMotionEstimationExtractBlock(3)
- extract block from reference frame for motion estimation and motion compensation
- QccVIDMotionEstimationInsertBlock(3)
- insert block into current frame
for motion compensation
- QccVIDMotionEstimationFullSearch(3)
- full-search,
block-based motion estimation
- QccVIDMotionEstimationCalcReferenceFrameSize(3)
- determine size of reference frame for specified subpixel accuracy
- QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateReferenceFrame(3)
- create reference frame by interpolating to specified subpixel accuracy
- QccVIDMotionEstimationCreateCompensatedFrame(3)
- create motion-compensated
frame according to specified motion field
- QccVIDMeshMotionEstimationWarpMesh(3)
- warp
mesh from one frame to the other
- QccVIDMeshMotionEstimationSearch(3)
- motion-estimation search for mesh vertices
- QccVIDMeshMotionEstimationCreateCompensatedFrame(3)
- create compensated frame via transformation between two meshes
- QccVIDSpatialBlockEncode(3)
- encode an image sequence using the
spatial-block algorithm
- QccVIDSpatialBlockDecodeHeader(3)
- decode header
for spatial-block decoding
- QccVIDSpatialBlockDecode(3)
- decode an image
sequence using the spatial-block algorithm
- QccVIDRDWTBlockEncode(3)
- encode an image sequence using the RDWT-block algorithm
- QccVIDRDWTBlockDecodeHeader(3)
- decode header for RDWT-block decoding
- QccVIDRDWTBlockDecode(3)
- decode
an image sequence using the RDWT-block algorithm
- QccVIDrwmhEncode(3)
- encode an image sequence using the RWMH algorithm
- QccVIDrwmhDecodeHeader(3)
- decode header for RWMH decoding
- QccVIDrwmhDecode(3)
- decode an image
sequence using the RWMH algorithm
- spatialblockencode(1)
- encode an image sequence using the spatial-block algorithm
- spatialblockdecode(1)
- decode an image sequence using the spatial-block algorithm
- rdwtblockencode(1)
- encode an image sequence using the RDWT-block algorithm
- rdwtblockdecode(1)
- decode an image sequence using the RDWT-block algorithm
- rwmhencode(1)
- encode an image sequence using the RWMH algorithm
- rwmhdecode(1)
- decode
an image sequence using the RWMH algorithm
- memc(1)
- full-search, block-based
motion estimation and compensation
- mesh_memc(1)
- motion estimation and
compensation using regular triangle meshes
, QccPackIMG(3)
, QccPack(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler
Table of Contents