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pauldecode - decoder for Paul's 1982 AVQ algorithm


pauldecode channelfile sideinfofile codebook codebook_coder datfile


pauldecode decodes a channel, channelfile (CHN format), and side information, sideinfofile (SID format), both produced by paulencode, and writes the resulting output data to datfile. That is, pauldecode performs VQ-index lookup of the indices in channelfile while updating the VQ codebook as dictated by sideinfofile. pauldecode starts decoding using the initial codebook specified by codebook (which should be the same initial codebook originally used by paulencode). codebook_coder (SQ format) gives the scalar quantizer used to decode the side information.


paulencode(1) , gtrrate(1) , gtrencode(1) , QccPackAVQ(3) , QccPack(3)

D. B. Paul, "A 500-800 bps Adaptive Vector Quantization Vocoder Using a Perceptually Motivated Distance Measure," in Conference Record, IEEE Globecom, pp. 1079-1082, 1982.

R. M. Goodman, B. Gupta, and M. Sayano, "Neural Network Implementation of Adaptive Vector Quantization for Image Compression," tech. rep., Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 1991.


Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler

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