Table of Contents
QccPackAVQ - QccPack module for adaptive vector quantization
QccPackAVQ provides a collection of library routines and utility programs
for adaptive vector quantization.
- no documentation at
this time -
- avqrate(1)
- calculates rate for AVQ programs
- gtrencode(1)
- encode using generalized threshold replenishment (GTR)
- gtrdecode(1)
- generalized-threshold-replenishment (GTR) decoder
- paulencode(1)
- encode
using Paul's 1982 AVQ algorithm
- pauldecode(1)
- decoder for Paul's 1982 AVQ
- gyencode(1)
- encode using Gersho and Yano's AVQ algorithm
- gydecode(1)
- decoder for the Gersho-Yano AVQ algorithm
In general, each
file format starts with an ASCII header followed by ASCII or binary data.
The ASCII header starts with a magic number, and can be followed with
any amount of white space (blanks, tabs, CRs, LFs) and/or comments lines
(lines starting with "#"). Following this white space, each format has
a varying amount of header information in ASCII. This ASCII header information
is separated by blanks and CRs. The data follows this ASCII header information.
Note: if the data is in binary, one (and only one) CR must follow the
last component of ASCII header information. If the data is ASCII, components
of the data are separated with blanks and/or CRs.
- SID - format for adaptive
VQ side information
<white space>
<program name>
<symbol type> "<symbol>"
where <program name> is the name of the program that wrote the file
(which thus dictates the format of the remaining data), max_codebook_size
is the codebook-size limit for online initialization, N is a length which
varies with the use of the file, dim is the vector dimension of the update
vectors, and A is the number of levels to which update-vector components
are scalar-quantizer to. N, dim, precision, and A are integers stored in
ASCII. The data in a SID file is stored as a sequence of ASCII symbols
(<symbol>), and each symbol ia stored with a flag indicating its type (<symbol
type>). See gtrencode(1)
, paulencode(1)
, and gyencode(1)
for more information.
, gtrencode(1)
, gtrdecode(1)
, paulencode(1)
, pauldecode(1)
, gydecode(1)
, QccPackENT(3)
, QccPackSQ(3)
, QccPackVQ(3)
, QccPackIMG(3)
, QccPack(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler
Table of Contents