Table of Contents
QccPackENT - QccPack module for entropy coding
provides a collection of library routines and utility programs for entropy
- QccENTHuffmanTable(3)
- data structure
QccENTHuffmanTable and corresponding HUF file format for Huffman encoding
and decoding
- QccENTArithmeticModel(3)
- data structure QccENTArithmeticModel
for arithmetic encoding and decoding
- QccENTArithmeticGetContext(3)
- data
type QccENTArithmeticGetContext for functions for retrieving the current
context for symbols during arithmetic encoding and decoding
- QccENTHuffmanTableInitialize(3)
- initialize Huffman table
- QccENTHuffmanTableAlloc(3)
- allocate Huffman table
- QccENTHuffmanTableFree(3)
- free Huffman table
- QccENTHuffmanTablePrint(3)
- print Huffman table
- QccENTHuffmanTableRead(3)
- read Huffman table from file
- QccENTHuffmanTableWrite(3)
- write Huffman
table to file
- QccENTHuffmanTableCreateDecodeTable(3)
- create Huffman table
for decoding
- QccENTHuffmanTableCreateEncodeTable(3)
- create Huffman table
for encoding
- QccENTHuffmanEncode(3)
- Huffman encode symbol stream
- QccENTHuffmanDecode(3)
- Huffman decode symbol stream
- QccENTHuffmanDesign(3)
- design a Huffman
code table from a probability distribution
- QccENTHuffmanEncodeChannel(3)
- Huffman encode channel
- QccENTHuffmanDecodeChannel(3)
- Huffman decode
- QccENTArithmeticFreeModel(3)
- frees arithmetic
model after encoding or decoding is complete
- QccENTArithmeticSetModelContext(3)
- set context of arithmetic model
- QccENTArithmeticSetModelAdaption(3)
- set adaption state (adaptive or nonadaptive) of arithmetic model
- QccENTArithmeticSetModelProbabilities(3)
- explicitly set probability distribution of nonadaptive arithmetic model
- QccENTArithmeticEncodeStart(3)
- start arithmetic encoder
- QccENTArithmeticEncodeEnd(3)
- terminate arithmetic encoder
- QccENTArithmeticEncode(3)
- arithmetic encode
- QccENTArithmeticEncodeFlush(3)
- flush arithmetic encoder to output bitstream
- QccENTArithmeticDecodeStart(3)
- start arithmetic decoder
- QccENTArithmeticDecodeRestart(3)
- restart arithmetic decoder
- QccENTArithmeticDecode(3)
- arithmetic decode
- QccENTGolombEncode(3)
- Golomb encoding for a binary sequence
- QccENTGolombDecode(3)
- Golomb decoding for a binary sequence
- QccENTGolombEncodeChannel(3)
- Golomb encoding for a binary channel
- QccENTGolombDecodeChannel(3)
- Golomb
decoding for a binary channel
- QccENTAdaptiveGolombEncode(3)
- adaptive
Golomb (Langdon) encoding
- QccENTAdaptiveGolombDecode(3)
- adaptive Golomb
(Langdon) decoding
- QccENTAdaptiveGolombEncodeChannel(3)
- adaptive Golomb
(Langdon) encoding for binary channels
- QccENTAdaptiveGolombDecodeChannel(3)
- adaptive Golomb (Langdon) decoding for binary channels
- QccENTExponentialGolombEncodeSymbol(3)
- exponential-Golomb encoding of single symbol
- QccENTExponentialGolombDecodeSymbol(3)
- exponential-Golomb decoding of single symbol
- QccENTExponentialGolombEncode(3)
- exponential-Golomb encoding
- QccENTExponentialGolombDecode(3)
- exponential-Golomb
- chnarithmeticencode(1)
- adaptive arithmetic
encoding of a channel
- chnarithmeticdecode(1)
- adaptive arithmetic decoding
of a channel
- chnhuffmanencode(1)
- Huffman encoding of a channel
- chnhuffmandecode(1)
- Huffman decoding of a channel
- chnagolombencode(1)
- adaptive Golomb encoding
of a channel
- chnagolombdecode(1)
- adaptive Golomb deconding of a channel
, QccPackVQ(3)
, QccPackAVQ(3)
, QccPackIMG(3)
, QccPackWAV(3)
Copyright (C) 1997-2021 James E. Fowler
Table of Contents